Haith Al-Insan 2024

Haith Al-insan

An annual program including 30 humanitarian projects in the fields of (education, health, development, and economic empowerment), implemented by the Tawakkol Karman Foundation. It aims to offer relief support and humanitarian support to the most vulnerable people because of the ongoing war in various provinces of Yemen. The projects are also documented in the form of television episodes published during the month of Ramadan on the Belqees satellite channel.

Reviving Miyad's Green Land

Miyad, a farmer from Lahj governorate, was diagnosed with cancer and had to sell his tools, agricultural crops, and livestock to cover the treatment costs, causing his farm to cease production. Haith Al-insan restored his hope by providing his farm with a modern irrigation system, enabling Miyad to support his family and continue his treatment through the profits earned from the farm.

Woman Donates Land for Village Road

In the heart of the Masraakh Mountains in Taiz governorate, there was a rugged road that stopped important services from reaching the people who lived there. It put the lives of kids in five main villages in danger. But with the funding from Tawakkol Karman Foundation and efforts of Haith Al-Insan, this road changed into a lifeline, bringing services and keeping people safe.

Child Spends Half His Days at Al Ghaydah Beach

In Al Mahrah Governorate, Hanadi bravely faces challenges alone after losing her husband in a work accident. Her son Ahmed stands by her side, working hard outside the home to support the family. Thanks to the support of Tawakkol Karman Foundation, they've started a bakery, fulfilling Hanadi's wish for a better future for her children.

Farewell to the Axe: The Story of the Firewood Seller with Haith Al-Insan

Ali Bansar, from a distant village, starts his day with enthusiasm to face challenges and seize opportunities. Before leaving his home in Almukalla, the capital of Hadramout, Ali ensures the quality of his tools, which are his means of livelihood. Alone in the city streets, Ali embarks on a new journey in his tough profession, defying obstacles. His struggles with education and his decision to pursue learning in his later years have prepared him for this crucial moment. In Haith Alinsan program, with support from Tawakkol Karman Foundation, Ali shares in achieving his dream by setting up a new home and preparing a commercial fish store to ensure him a better, dignified life.


Amidst Landmines: Haith Al-Insan 6 Plants Hope for Afaf

In the village of Al Shaqab in Taiz, Afaf lived in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. After her brother's departure, Afaf took on the responsibility of caring for five daughters and two sons. Thanks to Haith Alinsan program, Afaf received support to establish a project to help improve her income. Today, Afaf works in her small shop, eagerly awaiting the day to see her children holding their educational certificates, just as their father had hoped.

Computer Lab for University of Iqlim Saba: A Step Towards the Future

The challenges of education in Marib have turned into opportunities thanks to the establishment of Iqlim Saba University in 2016. Haith Alinsan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation contributes to the development of education and the preparation of students for the job market, by establishing a computer lab at the university serving more than 700 students.

After Years of Struggle... Radia Begins a New Life

Haith Al-Insan: Bringing Hope to an Isolated Village

In Issam village, located in Shabwa governorate, challenges were ever-present, making it difficult for young Rashid and his friends to access water every day. However, thanks to Haith Al-Insan program team sponsored by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, everything changed. With the installation of a solar-powered water tank, water became readily available, bringing hope to the children and residents of the village. As the sun rises over Issam, it marks the dawn of a new beginning and a promising future.

A Project for the Residents of an Overlooked Camp

The hills of Maqbanah in #Taiz have turned into a refuge for war-displaced refugees, thanks to the support of Haith Al-insan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation. 150 livestock were distributed to refugee families, providing them with a soon-to-be steady source of income.

Haith Al-Insan6 Grants Fatima the Key to a New Life in Marib

A new chapter has begun in the life of Fatima's displaced family in the camps of Marib city. Thanks to Haith Alinsan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, Fatima's dream has turned into reality. A comprehensive store has been established to provide a stable source of income for her family and alleviate the hardships of life.

Haith Al-Insan6: Crafting Dreams in Taiz Reformatory Prison

In the heart of the Reformatory Prison in Taiz, Haith Al-Insan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, innovates an idea to renew hope. It has established three workshops for sewing, knitting, and mobile phone repair, powered by solar energy, enabling prisoners to work, learn, and produce. This project gives them hope and the ability to change their lives, and upon their release, they carry with them the skills to build a better future.

After Being Forced into Fishing... Haith Al-Insan6 Revives Yemeni Champion's Career

From 2001 to 2014, fans were chanting the name of Mahdi Bazoumeh, the bodybuilding champion, in the stands. Despite his dedication to training, he had to take up fishing to support his family. Thanks to Haith Al-insan program, he now has a gym to train new champions and provide a stable income for himself, while also assisting other athletes.

Project for a Young Man Selling Ice Cream to Children in Aden for 16 Years

Nabil from Aden embodies resilience and overcoming challenges. From a normal childhood to a painful accident, he never gave up. Thanks to Haith Al-Insan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, he was given a new opportunity, a project that restores his hope and independence. Today, Nabil begins his new adventure with his new project and hope for a better future.

Haith Al-Insan Fulfills Amira's Wish After Years of Waiting

Amira's story: From the heart of rural Taiz, a testament to resilience and determination. After years of silence, Haith Al-Insan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, brought hope again, giving Amira the opportunity to build her future. Today, thanks to her dedication and effort, Amira manages her own shop, building a new life under the roof of her home and her dream-turned-reality project provided by the program.

Haith Al-Insan6 Restores Abandoned Health Unit in Al-Mahra

Fuwaitm carries hope and simple treatments on her daily journey to visit patients in Sayhut district in Al Mahrah Governorate. With the support of Haith Al-Insan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, an abandoned health center is transformed into a comprehensive health facility, laying the foundation for improving healthcare in the region and supporting Fuwaitm and her efforts.

Haith Al-Insan6 Helps 50 Children in Ma'rib Walk Again

In the city of Marib, where hundreds of thousands fleeing the ravages of war seek refuge, hope meets determination and seeds are sown for a new life. Hamed Al-Samei initiated innovation by establishing a center to provide services for children with disabilities. With support from Haith Al-Insan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, the necessary devices and equipment were provided for children to regain their confidence and participate with dignity in their community.

Project for a Visually Impaired Bean Seller in Taiz

A tale of determination and challenge in the heart of Taiz! Yasser, who lost his sight, didn't succumb to circumstances. After his absence, he returned with a new dream and unprecedented determination. With support from Haith Alinsan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, he managed to build his own project and achieve success. Today, he is a symbol of resilience and perseverance in the city.

Sewing Workshop for Women in Buweesh Camp, Hadramout

In the Buwaishe camp in the city of Al-Mukalla, where life intersects with despair due to the horrors of war, Haith Al-insan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, has lit the candle of hope. A sewing workshop and a playground have provided a new opportunity for displaced women and children, giving them hope for a better future.

Project for Family in Marib Displaced by War 5 Times

A story of determination and challenge! Um Khaled, a resilient woman, lives as a displaced person in Marib. She has been displaced five times because of the war, but she hasn't lost hope. Haith Al-insan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, helped her achieve her dream of owning her own business by providing her with 29 head of livestock and establishing her own barn, providing her with a decent income for her family.

An Artist Unveiling Beauty in Shabwa Unrecognized by People

Life's challenges didn't deter Yaser Bahaj from his talent in painting. Now, his artistic touches adorn shopfronts with vibrant colors in Shabwa Governorate. Haith Al-insan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, rehabilitated a small shop for Yaser, equipping him with all the painting tools and colors he needs.

Tawakkol Karman Foundation Returns Belongings to Camp Residents

Haith Al-insan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, in Bueesh Camp, Hadramout, Eastern Yemen, marks a tangible humanitarian turning point. It provided support to rebuild the lives of camp residents by establishing a livestock barn with 50 heads of cattle; aiming to provide a sustainable source of income for the camp's residents.

Tawakkol Karman Foundation Builds Largest School for the Hearing Impaired in Taiz

In Taiz, Tawakkol Karman Foundation makes a significant mark in the education sector for the hearing impaired community by inaugurating the Belqees School. Computer labs and a vast library provide students with a stimulating learning environment. This step embodies social responsibility and underscores the importance of education in fostering development and combating ignorance.

Mobile Theater Showcase for Disabled Performers in Aden

From the heart of Aden, South Yemen, emerges 'Mashael Aden' theater troupe, born from resilient efforts of the Association for Care and Rehabilitation of the Physically Impaired. Carrying a powerful humanitarian message, thanks to support from Haith Al-Insan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, a mobile theater showcase is built for them, making dreams a reality and amplifying their message.

Playground for Displaced Kids & Kiosk for Um Bashair

In the displacement camps of Marib Governorate, thousands of Yemeni families face the challenges of war with resilience. #Haithalinsan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, has realized the dreams of these deprived children and families by establishing a playground and kiosk for Um Bashair, providing joy for the children and support for Um Bashair's family.

Haith Al-Insan Gives Sabah Keys to Her Home and Her Own Project

The story of Sabah Mahfouz, living in the Ghayl Bawazeer area in Hadramout Governorate, reflects the power of will and resilience in facing challenges. Thanks to Haith Al-Insan program, funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, her life has been transformed through the rehabilitation of her home and the provision of a shop for her. Tears of joy fill her eyes as she expresses gratitude for this initiative, which has made her envision a better future for her family.

Haith Al-Insan 6 Executes Project for Wounded Woman in Taiz, Fulfilling Her Old Dream

A Story of Resilience and hope in Taiz. Nuha and Taima, two ambitious young women, dare to pursue their dreams despite the injuries inflicted by war. Thanks to Haith Al-insan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, they now have a fully equipped store to embark on a new journey towards realizing their dreams and changing their future. Hope returns to hearts despite the wars.

Haith Al-Insan Supports Yemeni Citizen to Implement His Iraqi Friend's Idea from 20 Years Ago

Hamoud Mohammed, a resilient Yemeni man from Taiz, had an idea to sell "Baleela," inspired by his Iraqi friend. Despite the war and conflict, with support from Haith Al-lnsan program funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, Hamoud regained his dream and rebuilt his project anew, walking the path toward the future.

Tawakkol Karman Foundation Implements 27 Projects in 25 Areas Through Haith Al-Insan 6 Program

Remarkable accomplishments achieved in the sixth season of Haith Al-Insan program! 27 inspiring projects were implemented in 25 different Yemeni regions. Funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, these projects embarked on challenges, focusing on key development areas: education, healthcare, and economic empowerment.

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