Haith Al-Insan Season 4

Tawakkol Karman Foundation Opens Henna Factory (Hadramout, Yemen)
Many farmers in Yemen need support so that they can better export their products to the market using modern methods, and this facilitates a lot of effort and saves time for them, as well as helps
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Opens Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center for the Marginalized (Taiz, Yemen)
Racism continues to be part of the culture of many societies, despite the humanitarian efforts of many international institutions to overcome this humanitarian predicament.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Provides Boats and Fishing equipment to Displaced Fisherman (Dhubaba, Yemen)
Wars have many negative repercussions, one of which is displacement, unemployment, and failure to make ends meet. In Yemen, many have been displaced as a result of the war and have lived in
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Builds Reproductive Health Unit (Shabwa, Yemen)
Tawakkol Karman Foundation built a health center for reproductive health and primary health care in Nisab district, Shabwa governorate, targeting thousands of beneficiaries in the neighboring
Tawakkol Karman Foundation announces establishment of the first integrated school for the Deaf in Ma’rib, Yemen
Tawakkol Karman Foundation established the first school for people with hearing impairment in Marib Governorate.

Tawakkol Karman Foundation Empowers a Family Affected by War with Income-Generating Project (Taiz, Yemen)
Tawakkol Karman Foundation empowered a family of war victims to launch its commercial project, which reintegrates the family into society and helps them meet the requirements of living in the
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Supports Family with Income-Generating Project (Socotra, Island)
Tawakkol Karman Foundation has supported a family in Socotra with an income-generating project that helps them face the burdens of life on the remote island, which has been absent from state
Tawakkol Karman Foundation launches income-generating project for man with disability in Abyan
Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided a worker with disabilities in Abyan governorate with an income-generating project that fulfills his aspirations to live in dignity and face the high prices and
Tawakkol Karman Foundation supports the most vulnerable women with productive projects in Al-Mahra
Tawakkol Karman Foundation established production and service projects for the most vulnerable, marginalized, poor, and needy women in Al-Mahra Governorate, to enable them to face the difficult
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Renovates Health Center in Wadi Hadramout (Hadramout, Yemen)
Tawakkol Karman Foundation has implemented a comprehensive restoration, rehabilitation, and furnishing with devices, equipment, and medical supplies for a health center that provides services to
TKF implemented road project for densely populated neighborhood in Mukalla, Hadramout
Residents of Al-Daera Al-Handasya neighborhood used to go through a long and winding road to reach their homes due to the lack of a road.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Provides Salt Workers with Packaging Factory and Safety Tools (Hadramout, Yemen)
Suitable and safe environment for workers is the priority of the workplace, and this is what should be focused on, especially in developing countries, because working in an unsafe environment may
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Provides Equipment for Physiotherapy Center in Al-Shamayatain (Taiz, Yemen)
Health care is one of the basic human rights in any society, and its significance is increasing in developing countries and areas of conflict and war.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Rehabilitates Al-Wafa Milat School in Jabal Habishi (Taiz, Yemen)
One of the most important rights of children is education which is also the main base to build the community. Tawakkol Karman Foundation reconstructed and rehabilitated Milat School in Jabal
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Provides Boat and Fishing Tools for Teacher (Lahj City, Yemen)
The story of the relationship between people and the sea is endless, and such stories show the struggle of humanity to live in dignity with their families, especially in Yemen due to the ongoing
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Opens Company For a Team with Special needs (Aden, Yemen)
We believe that development is a human right for all and that every person deserves a good life. With our commitment to achieving this noble goal, Tawakkol Karman Foundation has established a
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Opens Vehicle Spare Shop for Engineer (Hadramout, Yemen)
Postponed ambitions will come to light, even after a while, whenever there is a determination by the surrounding community.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation rehabilitates and restores Al-Khansa school (Taiz, Yemen)
Education is not only a human right but rather a societal duty towards our children to live a decent childhood and participate in building their communities and countries.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Opens Art Studio for Local Artist and Teacher (Abyan, Yemen)
Tawakkol Karman Foundation has fulfilled the dream of a plastic artist to own a studio that allows him to publish and teach plastic art and drawing, in addition to an income-generating project in