
Racism in a Diverse World
Throughout history, inhumane practices have been committed by individuals who believed in their superiority over others based on color,
race, lineage, and religion. Racism, as a tendency stemming from the belief in superiority, has justified committing despicable acts such as oppression, murder, and injustice towards others. This has led to the deprivation of millions of people's rights and allowed hatred to infiltrate different segments of society.
Despite the growing awareness and focused efforts of human rights organizations and relevant institutions to combat racism in all its forms, promoting human dignity, equality, and rights, racism remains deeply rooted in the minds of some individuals and communities. They continue to develop and manifest it in various forms, such as cultural racism, which discriminates against people based on cultural differences among ethnic groups.
Regrettably, social media platforms, which have played a prominent role in connecting people from different cultures, have not been successful in curbing racism. Instead, hate activists have exploited these platforms to spread their extremist ideologies. This implies that eradicating racism will require extensive education and criminalization efforts that might take many years to achieve.
In conjunction with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, observed on March 21st of each year, the Tawakkol Karman Foundation organized a seminar entitled "Racism in a Diverse World" as part of its activities in the Bridges program. The program aims to foster brotherhood and tolerance among various peoples and cultures. The seminar saw the participation of experts and specialists in the fields of philosophy, psychology, and communication.
This booklet is a general summary of what was presented at the conference..
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