Tawakkol Karman Foundation has taken a compassionate step towards rebuilding and rehabilitating the home of a retired doctor, Firdous, in Al-Aidaroos neighborhood of Aden, Yemen. The elderly Yemeni woman had worked as a doctor for a long time, providing medical services to the neighborhood's residents free of charge. Sadly, her home was destroyed by devastating floods, forcing her to become displaced and stay in her neighbors' homes for periods of time.
Despite receiving many promises to rebuild her home, nothing had materialized, leaving Firdous in a vulnerable situation. Her neighbors, trying to help her, built a house for her with limited resources, making it prone to collapse. This is where Tawakkol Karman Foundation stepped in, taking on the task of rebuilding the home and rehabilitating it with furniture, equipment, and a solar-powered lighting system.
By rebuilding Firdous's home, the foundation has not only restored a safe and comfortable living space for her but has also given her back her sense of security and dignity. The foundation's efforts in this regard serve as an inspiration for others to come forward and support the most vulnerable members of society.