Tawakkol Karman Foundation
TKF provides 1,400 chairs for Technical Community College in Taiz
The ongoing war has afflicted Yemen for six years, and it has caused severe damage to the educational system on all levels. The war caused a tremendous loss of opportunities for individuals, the destruction of facilities created new struggles to sustain the educational operation in Yemen and it has affected students and teachers alike.
The military operations taking place near the educational facilities have exposed them to destruction. Many students in Yemen study in partially destroyed facilities and are at risk of mines planted by armed groups. On the other hand, teachers in Houthi-controlled areas suffer from the interruption of their salaries for the fourth year in a row. This interruption led to poverty, and many psychological consequences include a feeling of pressure, persecution, and threats because of attitudes or opinions, while poverty also pushes thousands of students to drop out of school.
The Technical Community College in the Yemeni city of Taiz is one of the educational facilities that was affected, and its contents were destroyed by the flames of war. Students of the college in 11 departments: medicine, engineering, applied, financial, and administrative sciences, sit on plastic chairs in the college halls. Proceeding from its objectives to support educational development, TKF announced its upcoming contribution of 1,400 chairs to cover the college's needs for 4,000 students.