“When studying the program, I felt empowered to shape my own identity and stand on my feet again.”
Hamaas Saeed tells her heartfelt story of growth and resilience, made possible by Leaders for Future scholarship from Tawakkol Karman Foundation.
Hamas says:
In terms of the personal impact and development brought about by the English language scholarship provided by the Tawakkol Karman Foundation, I find myself at a loss for words. This was the first time I truly felt capable of building my own identity and starting over. I learned that life is nothing but a series of opportunities that we must seize and invest in, for our own benefit and the benefit of others. I encountered many challenges and difficulties, but the dream and goal I have always envisioned — a goal I promised myself to achieve — has motivated me immensely, providing me with the energy to continue and complete what I started.
During my studies, I noticed significant improvements in my language skills. Speaking English became a delightful habit. I even shared some motivational videos in English, which received tremendous engagement from others. I found myself better equipped to handle academic curricula and developed a deep passion for learning, along with a desire to achieve everything that is useful and constructive. No matter how difficult the challenges may be, all we need to do is put in the effort, and the results will follow. The day will come when we look back proudly on all we have been through. All the challenges and obstacles faced in pursuit of our dreams will eventually turn into beautiful memories and valuable experiences to share with the next generation, God willing.
I am still progressing through the program, and as I move forward, I feel immense gratitude. It hasn’t been easy, but at the same time, it hasn’t been impossible. I truly believe this scholarship will serve as the beginning of a remarkable journey, leaving a lasting positive impact on my life.
The courses offered by the program were incredibly valuable and enriching, and I hope there will be more opportunities to take additional courses that will further expand our knowledge and skills, enabling us to make significant progress in the future. This program has been a beautiful journey from which I have learned so much, and I sincerely hope to repay its positive impact by sharing it with those around me and with the world at large.