Tawakkol Karman Foundation Provides Boats and Fishing equipment to Displaced Fisherman (Dhubaba, Yemen)
The Tawakkol Karman Foundation has provided two fishing boats and fishing equipment for a local fisherman and his son who were displaced by the war from the coastal Dhu Bab district of Taiz.
Hatem, a local fisherman, says his entire village wwas displaced after the intensification of the war, leadign him and others to settle in the "Abukh" refugee camp in Djibouti. Hatem narrates his tragedy after the destruction of his boats due to the war, when the people lost 65 fishing boats, and says that the most difficult scene was when the port of Mocha was subjected to a series of air raids. After the liberation of the city of Aden, Hatem returned to settle there. However, he was unable to find employment due to the eroding economy. In response, Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided one fishing boat for Hatem and another for his son, as well as complete fishing equipment.
This project, is part of the series of works of the Tawakkol Karman Development Foundation program, "Haith Al-Insan," for the fourth season, which was presented by Belqees TV during the month of Ramadan in 2022.
Through the "Haith Al-Insan" program, which is presented by Belqees TV in Ramadan, the Foundation traced the journey of Hatem Khudhair, a resident of the stricken village, after his return from Djibouti to Aden to settle in Al-Buraiqa city.
Hatem says that all the people of his village were displaced after the intensification of the war, and some of them took refuge in neighboring districts, while some of them surrendered their fate to the sea and arrived in the "Abukh" refugee camp in Djibouti.
Hatem narrates his tragedy after the destruction of his boats due to the war, when the people lost 65 fishing boats, and says that the most difficult scene was when the port of Mocha was subjected to a series of air raids, one of which almost killed everyone in the ship that led them on the journey of displacement to Djibouti.
After the liberation of Aden city, Hatem returned to settle there, and his situation with his family became miserable because there was no work through which he could provide for his family's requirements considering the deteriorating economic situation and the exorbitantly high prices.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided a fishing boat for Hatem and another for his son, in addition, to complete fishing equipment, so that Hatem would win this round of his battle with life and give his children the opportunity to complete their education as he aspired for himself when he was a student at the university and circumstances forced him to drop out.
This project, is part of the series of works of the Tawakkol Karman Development Foundation program, "Haith Al-Insan," for the fourth season, which was presented by Belqees TV during the month of Ramadan in 2022.