Tawakkol Karman Foundation empowered a family of war victims to launch its commercial project, which reintegrates the family into society and helps them meet the requirements of living in the city of Taiz, which has been suffocated by the Houthi siege since the beginning of the war.
The mother of the household, Om Jamal, says that her husband had previously worked before the war. However, due to war-caused injury, he was left disabled which prevented him from working. Now, Om Jamal and her family depend on the assistance provided by philanthropists. The family, consisting of the parents and three children, lives in one room on a rooftop in the al-Mudhaffar district of Taiz, Yemen.
To rebuild their economic independence, The Foundation opened a clothing store for the family. Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided a store and equipped it with electricity, furniture, and various goods such as children's and women's clothing.
Om Jamal had responded to the invitation of the project coordinator in Taiz to go to a commercial store to buy Eid clothes. Once there, she did not believe that the place she went to was a commercial project for selling women's and children's clothing that had become her property, and she expressed her deep thanks to Tawakkol Karman Foundation for turning her dream into reality.This project is part of the projects implemented by Tawakkol Karman Foundation through “Haith Al-Insan” program, which is presented on Belqees channel during Ramadan.
Om Jamal adds that she and her family depend on the assistance provided by philanthropists. The family, consisting of the parents and three children, lives in one room, on one of the rooftops in al-Mudhaffar district of Taiz.
Om Jamal expressed her wish that her husband would be able to work again so that the family could rely on him as it was in the past before his injury, saying that it is more appropriate for him now to work in a shop, but he did not find the right opportunity.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation intervened to fulfill Om Jamal's wish by providing a source of income for her husband. The Foundation equipped a clothing store to become the property of Om Jamal's husband and not just a worker in it as she had dreamed.

Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided a store and equipped it with decoration, electricity, necessary furniture, and various goods such as children's and women's clothing.
Om Jamal had responded to the invitation of the project coordinator in Taiz to go to a commercial store to buy Eid clothes, and she did not believe that the place she went to was a commercial project for selling women's and children's clothing that had become her property, and she expressed her deep thanks to Tawakkol Karman Foundation for turning her dream of a project into reality.
This project is part of the projects implemented by Tawakkol Karman Foundation through “Haith Al-Insan” program, which is presented on Belqees channel during Ramadan.