Haith Al-Insan TV Program
Tawakkol Karman Foundation Opens Art Studio for Local Artist and Teacher (Abyan, Yemen)
Tawakkol Karman Foundation has fulfilled the dream of Ahmed Tamro in the Lawder District in Abyan Governorate. Ahmed Tamro dreamed of having his studio one day, in which he would devote himself to his artistic works and teach talented children in his area the art of plastic painting. Ahmed uses his talent to decorate the walls with paintings that reflect a beautiful picture of the public places and facilities. Although he was discouraged by society and many tried to thwart him, including some of his family members, he did not give up and continued his artistic career.
Ahmed Tamro says that there are talented children in his area, and he tries to hone and develop their skills. Unfortunately, lack of support and resources impedes him, and he dreams of owning a studio that allows him to be more creative and reach the level of great artists locally and globally. The Tawakkol Karman Foundation reached the plastic artist Ahmed Tamro through the "Haith Al-Insan" program, which is presented on Belqees channel during Ramadan, and the Foundation provided a studio with all its tools, including paintings, colors, blackboards, chairs, and drawing tables.
Furthermore, Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided him with a shop to sell drawing and photographic tools and car decorating tools, so that he would have an income-generating project that is compatible with his talent. Tamro also expressRF his appreciation for funding his income project-generating project, indicating that this support gives him greater motivation to train and develop children's skills in drawing.
Ahmed Tamro says that there are talented children in his area, and he tries with simple capabilities to hone and develop their skills, but lack of support impedes him, and he dreams of owning a studio that allows him to be more creative and reach the level of great artists locally, in the Arab world, and internationally.
The Tawakkol Karman Foundation reached the plastic artist Ahmed Tamro through the "Haith Al-Insan" program, which is presented on Belqees channel during Ramadan, and the Foundation provided a studio with all its tools, including paintings, colors, blackboards, chairs, and drawing tables.
Furthermore, Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided him with a shop to sell drawing and photographic tools and car decorating tools, so that he would have an income-generating project that is compatible with his talent.
The artist, Ahmed Tamro, expressed his happiness and joy at achieving his dream of a studio that enables him to practice his hobbies easily after the Foundation provided all the tools he needed, saying that the tools available in his studio are more than what he dreamed of.
Tamro was also express his appreciation for funding his income project-generating project, indicating that this support gives him greater motivation to train and develop children's skills in drawing.