Haith Al-Insan TV Program
TKF provides fishing boat for struggling fisherman in Hadramout
Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided a fishing boat equipped with all equipment to a fisherman who lost his source of livelihood after his boat crashed in the sea in Hadramout Governorate.
Muhammad Saeed, like other fishermen in Mukalla, Hadramout Governorate, considered the sea his only source of livelihood, and he grew up dependent on this profession. One day he went on a fishing trip, thinking it was an opportunity to collect a larger number of fish, but the sea was turbulent, and after he failed to return to the beach because of plastic bags that blocked his way, a strong wave hit the boat and smashed it.
Muhammad says that he considers the sea his house and his homeland, and he cannot leave it, and despite losing his boat, he did not lose his love for the sea and seeking a livelihood in it.
Muhammad adds that he kept wandering on the beach or accompanying others on their trips, but he wishes to return to the sea to seek a livelihood, especially since he is the only breadwinner for his five nephews whose father and mother died, and he preferred caring for his nephews over marriage.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided Muhammad with a boat and fishing equipment so that he would be able to return to work again at sea and provide for his needs and the needs of his nephews whom he supports.
Providing a fishing boat and equipment by Tawakkol Karman Foundation to Muhammed is part of the Foundation project through Haith Al-Insan” program which is presented on Belqees channel during Ramadan.