Haith Al-Insan Season 4

Haith Al-Insan 4

Haith Al-Insan

An annual program including 30 humanitarian projects in the fields of (education, health, development, and economic empowerment), implemented by the Tawakkol Karman Foundation. It aims to offer relief support and humanitarian support to the most vulnerable people because of the ongoing war in various provinces of Yemen. The projects are also documented in the form of television episodes published during the month of Ramadan on the Belqees satellite channel.

A Different Team

A School for 32 Towns

A Lecture at the Beach

An Inspiring Advice

The Decision that changed the life of 500 child

411 Students' Wish

Ambitious Women of Mukalla

Hatem's Struggle Journey

Refugees who don't want Cash

Hadhramaut Women's Gift to All Yemen

One Hospital for Seven Governorate

A Path to Hala's House

An Artist in Abyan

A Discovery that Changed the Life of 2500 Human

From a Barren Land to a Green Oasis

An Inspiring Doctor

Afrah the Makeup Artist

The Ice Cream Man

First Journey to Socotra

A Big Family in a Small House

The First School of the Deaf in Marib

Bahja.. The First Face Seen by Newborns

Two Friends Guarding Socotra

The First Museum In Marib

The Product of Tarim's Women

A School in the Middle of Shabwa Desert

22 May School

Belqees Library in Taiz

An Engineer's Dream

The Final Story of the Fourth Season

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