TKF supports disabled worker in Aden with furniture workshop
Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided a workshop for the manufacture of home furniture for a worker with a movement disability in Aden.
Yousef Muhammad was infected with meningitis during an outbreak of fever in Aden, and his case was not diagnosed until he passed out and entered a coma for a month, from which he woke up losing the ability to move in one of his feet.
Youssef says that he is manufacturing and upholstering furniture at his home, as he masters this profession and designs forms with which he decorates his works and markets his products through social media; Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter.
Yousef adds that his wife helps him in his work, pointing out that all they wish is to own a shop of their own, through which they can make and sell furniture and generate more income.
Yousef tried to work in furniture workshops, but the wages are small and not enough even for the most basic needs of his family, but he did not give in to that and turned his house into a factory for the manufacture and repair of furniture.
Tawakkol Karman Foundation provided a store for Yousef and equipped him with machines and equipment for the manufacture and repair of furniture, in addition to providing quantities of sponges and wood so that he could start his work in his new workshop immediately.
This project is part of Tawakkol Karman Foundation projects, through Haith Al-Insan program, season 3, which is presented by Belqees channel in Ramadan.